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Germany’s Sense of Itself and the World’s Sense of Germany

Franziska Augstein, Norbert Röttgen, Neal AschersonChristopher Clark and Nicholas Spice

Franziska Augstein, Süddeutsche Zeitung; Norbert Röttgen, Chairman of the Bundestag Committee on Foreign Affairs; Neal Ascherson, the Observer’s Central Europe correspondent 1963-69; and historian Christopher Clark look at recent German history and discuss how Germany sees itself and how the world sees it. Chaired by Nicholas Spice, Publisher of the London Review of Books.

The panel discusses Germany’s role in tackling the crisis with Russia and maintaining peace in Europe, the problems in the Eurozone, Greek debt, the division between east and west Germany, the nature of German federalism, the rise of anti-immigration and the development of Germany since the Second World War and following the fall of the Berlin Wall.

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