Modern-ish Poets: W. B. Yeats

Seamus Perry and Mark Ford

Seamus Perry and Mark Ford continue their Close Readings series with a look at the life and work of W. B. Yeats, from his early quest for a mythological Irish culture, to his shift towards the Modernist experiment, and preoccupation with the ‘murderousness of the world’.

This episode is from series two of Modern-ish Poets. To listen to series one, and our other Close Readings series, sign-up for our Close Readings subscription:

Series one of Modern-ish Poets looks at Philip Larkin, W. H. Auden, Elizabeth Bishop, Thomas Hardy, Stevie Smith, A. E. Housman, Wallace Stevens, Sylvia Plath, Seamus Heaney and Robert Lowell.

Music by Kieran Brunt / Produced by Sam Kinchin-Smith and Anthony Wilks

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