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Remembering the Future

Hazel V. Carby and Adam Shatz

In her recent LRB Winter Lecture, Hazel V. Carby discussed ways contemporary Indigenous artists are rendering the ordinarily invisible repercussions of ecocide and genocide visible. She joins Adam Shatz to expand on the artists discussed in her lecture, and how they disrupt the ways we’re accustomed to seeing borders, landmasses, and landscapes empty – or emptied – of people.

Read Hazel’s lecture online here. Watch the lecture here.

Find out more about Bluets at the Royal Court Theatre here.

Listen to the We Society Podcast here.

Image: Jaune Quick-to-See Smith, Fifty Shades of White, 2018. Mixed media on canvas, 40 × 60 1/2 inches (101.6 × 153.67 cm). Collection of the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University, Durham, NC, USA. Gift of Nancy A. Nasher and David J. Haemisegger, 2018.15.1. © Jaune Quick-to-See Smith. Courtesy of the artist and Garth Greenan Gallery, New York.

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