Announcement, 29 January 2021

Jean McNicol and Alice Spawls appointed editors of the ‘London Review of Books’, Mary-Kay Wilmers becomes consulting editor

Mary-Kay Wilmers has announced that she is stepping down as editor of the London Review of Books. She will continue to be closely involved with the paper as consulting editor.

Deputy editor Jean McNicol and senior editor Alice Spawls have been appointed to succeed Wilmers as editors of the LRB, Europe’s leading literary magazine, which in 2019 celebrated its 40th anniversary. Last year the paper gained more new subscribers than in any other year in its history. Wilmers was one of the LRB’s founders in 1979, became co-editor in 1988 and has been sole editor since 1992. In 2019, the New York Times named her ‘Britain’s most influential editor’.

She said: ‘The succession has been long in the planning and I’m very proud to be handing over the editorship to two such talented women. I’ll be continuing to do my bit as consulting editor.’

Jean McNicol joined the LRB in 1987 as an editorial assistant; Alice Spawls joined as an editorial intern in 2011.

Alice Spawls and Jean McNicol said: ‘The LRB is the best paper in the world, thanks to Mary-Kay, and we intend to keep it that way. We’ve never wanted to work anywhere else, and indeed neither of us ever has.’

For further information, please contact Caitlin Allen at / +44 (0)7814 403000

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