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Zain Samir

Zain Samir is a journalist based in the Middle East.

To celebrate​ the first week of their marriage, Wafiq decided to cook lunch for his wife. He fried eggs on his brand-new stove while Rana arranged the dishes. Wafiq and Rana got married in the last week of October, and moved into the apartment. Thanks to the war, they decided not to have a wedding party, or even a family dinner.

Wafiq was proud of his new apartment, in the village of...

Hizbullah’s War

Zain Samir, 30 November 2023

On a warm afternoon​ in October, the streets of the southern Lebanese town of Aalma El Chaeb were deserted. The petrol station, the grocer, the bakeries and the church had all been shut down. In the middle of town, three grey herons sifted through weeks-old bags of rubbish, oblivious to the monotonous whine of an Israeli drone flying somewhere overhead. On a ridge opposite, outside the...

Diary: After the Earthquake

Zain Samir, 15 June 2023

Early this year​, Samer Fa’our noticed that small earthquakes were rattling his building in the southern Turkish city of Antakya with increased frequency. The tremors were mild, and his wife and children often slept through them, but they made him feel uneasy. Like millions of Syrians, he had lived through years of civil war: Syrian jets and helicopters had dropped bombs on his...

Thereare hundreds of military bases scattered across Afghanistan, from concrete watchtowers, surrounded by razor wire, to massive airbases, fortified with concrete blast walls and watchtowers stretching for miles. Hundreds of thousands of Afghan and foreign soldiers, officers, technicians, cooks, cleaners and generals occupied these bases, along with armoured Humvees, helicopters,...

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