Wayne Koestenbaum

Wayne Koestenbaum teaches at the CUNY Graduate Centre. His books include The Queen’s Throat: Opera, Homosexuality and the Mystery of Desire, The Anatomy of Harpo Marx and several collections of poems, including Camp Marmalade.

Dishevelled: Tennessee Williams

Wayne Koestenbaum, 4 October 2007

One event dominated Tennessee Williams’s life: his sister Rose’s bilateral prefrontal lobotomy, performed on 13 January 1943, two years before The Glass Menagerie, the play he forged from her condition, was first produced. He rarely mentions the lobotomy in his private notebooks, the fragmented daybooks which he kept for much of his life, and which have now been edited, with...

Andy Paperbag: Andy Warhol

Hal Foster, 21 March 2002

In his account of late capitalism Fredric Jameson describes its cultural logic as if it were a schizophrenic – broken in language, amnesiac about history, in thrall to glossy images, subject...

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