Terence Hawkes

Terence Hawkes taught English at Cardiff University for many years. He was the general editor of the Accents on Shakespeare series, and his books include Structuralism and Semiotics (1977), Meaning by Shakespeare (1992) and Shakespeare in the Present (2002). He died in 2014.


Sonic Boom

16 July 1998

John Sturrock (LRB, 16 July) is quite right and his account of the delusions of poor Sokal and poor Bricmont gets to the heart of the matter. Their confident belief in a readily-graspable distinction between ‘discourse and language’ on the one hand and the ‘facts’ to which these refer on the other, indicates simple-mindedness of a rare perfection. No doubt Sokal finds it acceptable that his...


Frank Kermode, 11 February 1993

Faithful readers of this journal will remember Terence Hawkes’s article ‘Bardbiz’, if only because it provoked, between March 1990 and September 1991, one of the most protracted...

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