Robert Cioffi

Robert Cioffi teaches at Bard College. His next book will be about Egypt and ancient Greek novels.

Certain places​ capture the imagination; others fade into the background, forgotten and overlooked. Phoenicia is one of the rare places that does both. In 1963, Sabatino Moscati, the founder of modern Phoenician studies, asked the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in Rome: ‘Who were the Phoenicians?’ By 1988, he believed that he had begun to find the answer. With great fanfare, he...

Demetriusthe Besieger, son of Antigonus the One-Eyed and one of the generals who fought to succeed Alexander the Great in the late fourth century and early third century bce, had a career of mixed success, but constant intrigue. He won victories on land and sea, terrified cities into submission, married five times, was widowed twice, never divorced and died in captivity at the age of 54...

This is the end: Apocalypse Then

Robert Cioffi, 18 August 2022

The year 2000​ has come and gone; we survived the Maya apocalypse of 2012. Portents of our demise now come most often in the form of UN climate reports, the Doomsday Clock or the pronouncements of epidemiologists. These predictions reveal not only the fragility of our existence, but also our capacity to bring about potentially catastrophic changes to life on earth. Yet humanity’s...

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