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Philippe Ariès

Philippe Ariès is the author of Centuries of Childhood. His most recent book is Un Historien du Dimanche, a memoir written with Michel Winock. His review was translated by John Sturrock.


Philippe Ariès, 16 October 1980

This is not an easy book to read, even though it is written clearly and at times elegantly; its authors have swathed and encumbered their interpretations in so many reservations and second thoughts that it takes some attentive detective-work to discover their meaning. One is reminded of the famous lines in which Horace celebrated the daring of the first navigator:

History is always to hand

Douglas Johnson, 8 December 1988

In his novels, the late Gwyn Thomas used to refer to those who frequented the pubs and cafés of small Welsh towns as ‘the voters’. It would certainly be the way to describe the...

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Nicholas Penny, 9 October 1986

In 1909 there appeared a small book by Montgomery Carmichael modestly entitled Francia’s Masterpiece and dedicated to reconstructing the content, purpose and original setting of a single...

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Being on top

John Ryle, 20 February 1986

What is more important: is it the project of understanding why sexual desire is, or has become, a problem for us like no other, fraught with particular anxiety and special perplexity; or is it...

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Bumper Book of Death

Frank Kermode, 1 October 1981

This book is a history of the collective consciousness of the ‘Latin West’ (with this country and New England included by association or out of courtesy) during the last thousand...

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