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Nora Goldschmidt

Nora Goldschmidt is a professor of classics at Durham. She is writing a book about fragments.

Friends in High Places: Lives of Maecenas

Nora Goldschmidt, 18 July 2024

If you look up​ ‘patron of the arts’ in most European languages, you will find a variation on the name of Gaius Maecenas: mécène in French, mecenate in Italian, mecenas in Spanish, Mäzen in German, mecenas in Polish, mecenáš in Czech, mécenás in Hungarian, меценат in Ukrainian, Russian and Bulgarian. The term has been in use...

Pompeian Group Therapy

Nora Goldschmidt, 22 September 2022

In Lucan’sBellum Civile (the epic also known as Pharsalia), Nigidius Figulus predicts the outcome of the struggle between Julius Caesar and Pompey through a series of learned observations of the heavens. He notes Mars’s dominant position in the sky and the brightness of Orion’s sword. The upshot is grim. Rome is about to succumb to harrowing civil war: ‘The power of...

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