Michael Sonenscher

Michael SonenscherMichael Sonenscher teaches history at King's College, Cambridge.


Goodbye to Europe

21 January 2021

In the last of his three essays about the EU, Perry Anderson notes the distinction between states and governments which has been made in different ways by the two Brexit-supporting Hobbes scholars Noel Malcolm and Richard Tuck (LRB, 21 January). Governments come and go because there are elections, but states are here to stay. Both states and their governments can, however, change because both,...

Shockingly Worldly: the Abbé Sieyès

David Runciman, 23 October 2003

Most of the 18th-century political theorists with the biggest reputations come from rather out-of-the-way places, at least in geopolitical terms: Vico from Naples; Hume and Adam Smith from...

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