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Kevin Crossley-Holland

Kevin Crossley-Holland Axe-Age, Wolf-Age: A Selection of Norse Myths, illustrated by Hannah Firmin, was published on 25 April (Deutsch, 175 pp., £7.95, 0 233 97688 4). He is compiling the Oxford Book of Travel Verse.

Poem: ‘Vic’

Kevin Crossley-Holland, 18 July 1985

Stirs; quite delicately sips; yawns over Friday’s yellowed Advertiser ...

Outside is cold as inside is cold, wind flights over the marsh, the walls of the sky drip as Vic already rises, eases himself out, pink and primed,

into the beginning – shapes still inchoate, pewter on oyster, seacoal on zinc. Time never was for pondering.

Banjo far-off on the brew! A taste of plickplack in...

The New Narrative

John Kerrigan, 16 February 1984

‘When We talk of narrative poetry today,’ James Fenton asks in the September issue of Poetry Review, ‘are we referring to the kind of story in which, you want to know what...

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Anglo-Saxon Aptitudes

John Gillingham, 17 November 1983

As a unified, organised state England has a very long history indeed – more than a thousand years of continuous existence, so far. This, writes James Campbell, is the defining contrast...

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