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Juliet Mitchell

Juliet Mitchell, emeritus professor at Jesus College, Cambridge, is writing a book on Shakespeare, siblings and psychoanalysis. Louise Bourgeois’s art, writings and archival material are © The Easton Foundation/licensed by DACS.

Love and Hate, Girl and Boy: Louise Bourgeois

Juliet Mitchell, 6 November 2014

Louise Bourgeois​ died, aged 98, in May 2010. Shortly before her death Jerry Gorovoy, her long-time assistant, found a forgotten box of her jottings, unpublished papers and diaries from her time in psychoanalysis. He had uncovered a similar stash six years earlier; together, the materials came to a thousand pages of notes. Some of the writings were displayed, along with a selection of...

Little Brother, Little Sister: Hysteria

Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen, 24 May 2001

What is progress in psychoanalysis? One of the arguments most commonly used by advocates of psychoanalysis during the recent ‘Freud wars’ has been to reproach their adversaries for...

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Reading as a woman

Christopher Norris, 4 April 1985

Why these books should have come to a male reviewer is perhaps more a question for the editor than myself. All the same, it is an issue that can hardly be ducked in the context of present-day...

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