Jude Wanga

Jude Wanga is a writer, activist and editor at the New Socialist.

From The Blog
22 July 2021

In his interview with Laura Kuenssberg on Tuesday evening, Dominic Cummings described a battle for control over Boris Johnson between himself and Carrie Symonds, now the prime minister’s wife. He lost. We know he lost because to the victor the spoils and to the loser a 7 p.m. interview on BBC2.

From The Blog
19 August 2021

On 20 July, Marcus Rashford tweeted that he had heard the Spectator was ‘planning to run a story on me tomorrow about how I have benefitted commercially in the last 18 months’. He made it clear that he had not in fact made any money from his campaigns to provide children with food, books and shelter. The article never appeared in the Spectator. On 5 August, the comedian Dannie Grufferty revealed she was the source of the bogus story, and had spent months fooling the magazine into almost running it.

From The Blog
20 April 2022

Mental health referrals for adolescents were up 134 per cent in 2021 compared to the start of the pandemic, which saw children locked away in isolation for almost a year. Psychiatric waiting lists have increased from weeks to months. There is a chronic shortage of social workers. Teachers report being unable to cope with the mental health crisis among their students. Nearly £1 billion has been cut from government funding for the Early Intervention Grant. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services have seen a 23.5 per cent decrease in spending per person between 2015 and 2021.

From The Blog
23 August 2023

There are severe questions to be asked of senior Manchester United executives, not least the CEO, Richard Arnold, about their handling of the Greenwood debacle, but there is no reason to imagine any other club would have handled it any better. Which is why none of them should be handling it at all.

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