Jonathan Lamb

Jonathan Lamb teaches English at Princeton. Preserving the Self in the South Seas was published in 2001.

Bard of Tropes: Thomas Chatterton

Jonathan Lamb, 20 September 2001

Chatterton could ‘do’ any poet from Chaucer to the recently dead Charles Churchill; and after his own death poets ‘did’ him. This stanza from ‘Bristowe Tragedie or the Dethe of Syr Charles Bawdin’, is a blend of the Spenserian antique and ballad poetry, a combination which uses phrases that are heard again in Blake’s Marriage of Heaven and Hell and...

Dreamland: 18th-century seafaring

Jonathan Lamb, 20 March 2003

The great Pacific navigations of the mid-18th century were officially failures. Cook managed to map the missing north-eastern section of the coast of a land he claimed for Britain as New South Wales, and he also produced a complete outline of New Zealand – with surprising accuracy, given that he was entirely dependent on lunar observations. But he didn’t find the Great Southern...

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