Jo Glanville

Jo Glanville is the editor of Looking for an Enemy: Eight Essays on Antisemitism (Short Books). It will be published in the US by Norton in August 2022.

In October last year, after discussions that took place over just nine days, the BBC agreed to take the funding of the World Service off the hands of the government from 2014. At the same time, as part of the Comprehensive Spending Review, the Foreign Office announced a 16 per cent cut – £46 million – in the World Service budget.

When​ the first Data Protection Act was passed in 1984, it was estimated that there were 200,000 computers in the UK holding personal data, defined in the legislation as information relating to a living individual that could identify them. The Act stipulated that any computer holding such data would have to be registered by a newly appointed data protection registrar. When Parliament was...

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