Jo Glanville

Jo Glanville is the editor of Looking for an Enemy: Eight Essays on Antisemitism (Short Books). It will be published in the US by Norton in August 2022.

From The Blog
18 July 2022

In Berlin last month I went to the Museum der Dinge in Kreuzberg. The museum of things tells the history of the Werkbund, an early 20th-century movement to bring aesthetic values to mass production. The small space is filled with wooden cabinets displaying every household object imaginable: crockery, furniture, glasses, knick-knacks. It’s an absorbing exhibition that gives you a sense of acquisitive discovery, like rooting around in someone else’s cupboards. Halfway through there’s a cabinet partially obscured with text, asking the visitor: ‘How should the swastika symbol be handled within the exhibitions of a museum? Should it be displayed? Or not?’ The cabinet also carries the text of the German criminal code that forbids the distribution of Nazi propaganda, punishable by three years’ imprisonment or a fine.

From The Blog
23 March 2023

Since Gary Lineker compared the way the British government talks about asylum seekers to the antisemitic language of the Nazis in the 1930s, guardians of Holocaust history have been lining up to criticise anyone who dares to make such comparisons. Last Sunday, the actor Tracy-Ann Oberman asked people to ‘stop using … false comparables’. But why can’t we make comparisons? Like Oberman, or the people in whose name she’s speaking, I have family who were murdered in the Holocaust, though I don’t think it’s necessary to be connected with the history to speak up in this argument.

From The Blog
17 October 2023

It is the Palestinians who are stateless now. Hamas’s terrorism has caused devastating damage and death, but it does not have a military arsenal and infrastructure to compare with Israel’s – which is currently being deployed against Gaza – or such powerful allies.

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