Ian Aitken

Ian Aitken, who died in 2018, was for many years political editor of the Guardian.

Off the hook and into the gutter

Ian Aitken, 7 December 1989

Most journalists would probably agree that the decisive moment in the postwar history of Fleet Street was the day when Hugh Cudlipp’s IPC publishing conglomerate decided to cut its losses and sell its dismally unsuccessful venture, the Sun, to Rupert Murdoch. No matter what view you take of subsequent developments, that event was the turning-point which determined the shape of Britain’s newspaper industry for the remainder of the century.

Tam, Dick and Harold

Ian Aitken, 26 October 1989

Not long ago, a very distinguished acadmic reviewer suggested in these pages that one of the troubles with the Labour Party under Neil Kinnock’s leadership was that it was no longer the kind of party which attracted the loyalty and service of Oxbridge intellectuals. In his view, this was a serious flaw, perhaps even a fatal one.

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