Graham Bradshaw

Graham Bradshaw is a lecturer in English at the University of St Andrews. Of the making of editions of Shakespeare there is no end, and the Oxford Shakespeare is about to commence. Graham Bradshaw will discuss this in due course.


New Arden ‘Hamlet’

2 September 1982

SIR: In complaining about my ‘manners’ Professor Jenkins displays his own (Letters, 18 November), while offering indirect evidence of the authoritarian and repressive tendencies which surprised me in his New Arden edition of Hamlet. I detailed what I took to be deficiencies in that long-awaited edition, while taking pains to quote at length from, Professor Jenkins’s commentary and notes so that...

New Arden ‘Hamlet’

2 September 1982

SIR: Professor Robson’s complaint in your last issue puzzles me. The ‘plain fact’ is that no textual evidence supports Bradley’s claim that when the King is at prayer he has already planned to have Hamlet murdered. Nonetheless, Weitz thinks that Bradley’s comment ‘blows up’ Wilson Knight’s reading; Robson agrees, quoting Bradley to show that an ‘accurate’ description may have important...


Alastair Fowler, 2 March 1989

We cannot let Shakespeare alone. He saw so deeply into life, and wrote so well, that we cannot bring ourselves to relegate him to his Elizabethan world, as we do, or used to do, with Jonson. Yet...

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