Graham Bradshaw

Graham Bradshaw is a lecturer in English at the University of St Andrews. Of the making of editions of Shakespeare there is no end, and the Oxford Shakespeare is about to commence. Graham Bradshaw will discuss this in due course.

Modern Shakespeare

Graham Bradshaw, 21 April 1983

Ann Pasternak Slater’s Shakespeare the Director is the best new book on Shakespeare I have read in the last year, and is prefaced by generous tributes to and from the General Editor of the New Arden Shakespeare. Nonetheless, that edition is unsuited to her critical purposes, and she explains that her ‘sole criterion in each case is to use the text supposedly closest to the author’s manuscript.’


Alastair Fowler, 2 March 1989

We cannot let Shakespeare alone. He saw so deeply into life, and wrote so well, that we cannot bring ourselves to relegate him to his Elizabethan world, as we do, or used to do, with Jonson. Yet...

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