Gary Indiana

Gary Indiana is a writer, actor and artist. His memoir, I Can Give You Anything but Love, was published in 2015 and he is also the author of the trilogy Resentment: A Comedy, Three Month-Fever: The Andrew Cunanan Story and Depraved Indifference.

It’s him, Eddie: Carrère’s Limonov

Gary Indiana, 23 October 2014

The prologue​ of Limonov places Emmanuel Carrère in Moscow, circa 2006, at a commemoration ceremony outside the Dubrovka Theatre, where in 2002 the Nord-Ost hostage crisis ended when the Russian military pumped Fentanyl gas into the theatre, indiscriminately killing well over a hundred hostages along with their Chechen captors. ‘In the centre of a circle, dominating the crowd,...

Death-Qualified: The Brothers Tsarnaev

Gary Indiana, 10 September 2015

On 24 June, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the younger of two Chechen-American brothers responsible for the Boston Marathon bombing on 15 April 2013, was sentenced to death in a Boston federal court. (His older brother, Tamerlan, died following a street battle with police in Watertown, Massachusetts several nights after the bombing.) The brothers had placed, and detonated by remote control, two explosive devices fashioned from pressure cookers stuffed with shrapnel; three people were killed in the blasts, and more than 260 others suffered serious, permanent injuries.

Psychodisney: Gary Indiana

Peter Robins, 25 July 2002

Some years ago, Gary Indiana visited Eurodisney, and returned with a suggestion for how it could be improved. ‘If I ran an amusement park,’ he wrote, ‘there would be real...

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