Douglas Johnson

Douglas Johnson, who died in 2005, was a professor of French history at UCL and the author of books on Guizot and France and the Dreyfus Affair. He did much to further Franco-British relations and was an officier of the Légion d’honneur.

Douglas Johnson writes: Miss Anne Sington is quite right. I should have mentioned Mitterrand by name when I was recalling the ludicrous role which he played in the days of the Poujadists, the memory of which does not seem to have affected his political destiny (the likelihood of being defeated for the third time in a presidential election). I have heard the Pompidou building praised. One French person...


Paul Driver, 9 October 1986

From the general reader’s point of view, this tome – a scrupulous, detailed inventory of Beethoven’s pocket and desk sketchbooks, locating every extant leaf – is about as...

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