Derek Mahon

Derek Mahon’s Collected Poems were published by the Gallery Press in 1999. A Selected Poems came out from Penguin last year.

Poem: ‘Pygmalion’

Derek Mahon, 27 January 1994

(Ovid, Metamorphoses, X, 243-277)

... Pygmalion watched these women, hard- featured and cynical, as they led their shameful lives and, sickened by the wickedness so generously given to their sex, he lived alone without a wife to call his own. Meanwhile, ingeniously, he wrought a maiden out of ivory, one lovelier than any woman born, and with this shape he fell in love. Alive, she seemed, and...

Poem: ‘New Wave’

Derek Mahon, 5 April 2001

On the first day of principal photography they sit outside at a St Germain café with a coffee pot between them on a round table of chequered oilcloth red and grey. The hand-held camera looks for natural light, mikes pick up traffic and incidental sound. A mid-week noon and the hot bridges sweat; from ice buckets, from windows, watches, knives life flashes back at them their glittering...

Poem: ‘Resistance Days’

Derek Mahon, 25 April 2002

for John Minihan

Nous nous aimerons tous et nos enfants riront De la légende noire où pleure un solitaire.

Paul Eluard

The sort of snailmail that can take a week but suits my method, pre-informatique, I write this from the St Louis, rm 14 – or type it, rather, on the old machine, a portable, that I take when I migrate in ‘the run-up to Christmas’. Here I sit...

Perish the thought: Derek Mahon

John Redmond, 8 February 2001

In his undergraduate days at Trinity College Dublin in the early 1960s, Derek Mahon cast a spell over his contemporaries, as he would cast a spell over his early readers. He had wit, taste and a...

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Everything is susceptible

Douglas Dunn, 20 March 1980

Derek Mahon’s Poems 1962 – 1978 includes most of his three earlier books, to which he has added a few uncollected poems and about 35 pages of new work. Readers will discover that...

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