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David Caute

David Caute most recent books are Under the Skin: The Death of White Rhodesia and The K-Factor, a novel. Zimbabwean literature and politics are discussed in his ‘Marechera and the Colonel’, one of two essays to be published next year by Hamish Hamilton under the title The Espionage of the Saints.

The Road to Independence

David Caute, 21 November 1985

Terence Ranger’s major new exploration of Zimbabwean peasant politics spans the ninety years from the early colonial period to the 1980s. While drawing heavily on his own intensive research in the Makoni district of Manicaland – virtually a scholarly fief of his – Ranger constantly illuminates Rhodesia’s tortuous passage to majority rule by comparison with two contrasting ‘models’ of decolonisation: Kenya (conservative) and Mozambique (a luta continua).’

Degeneration Gap: Cold War culture conflicts

Andreas Huyssen, 7 October 2004

The struggle for cultural supremacy between the Soviet Union and the United States began as soon as Nazi Germany was defeated. Waged primarily in Europe, it came to an end decades before the...

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Textual Harassment

Nicolas Tredell, 7 November 1991

Nervousness and nostalgia mark these three novels. The nostalgia of Christine Brooke-Rose is, surprisingly, for a golden age of character in fiction; David Caute harks back to the Sixties and the...

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When students ruled the earth

D.A.N. Jones, 17 March 1988

Twenty years is a long time in politics. To me, the flavour of the year 1968 is still ‘anti-Fascism’. The meanings of ‘Fascism’ and ‘National Socialism’ are...

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Fiction and the Poverty of Theory

John Sutherland, 20 November 1986

A drunken American historian once lurched over to David Caute at a party and told him: ‘Having read your last novel, or part of it, I’d advise you to give up writing fiction –...

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Lord Goodman, 8 May 1986

The enlightened editor of this publication has sent me these three books for review, having detected some symmetry which might make a joint review appropriate. All three are concerned with an...

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Zimbabwe is kenge

J.D.F. Jones, 7 July 1983

‘What will you tell your children?’ asks the Zipra guerrilla as he says goodbye to Caute and vanishes back into the bush. (The Zimbabwean handshake: hands, thumbs, then hands again.)...

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