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Colin Grant

Colin Grant is an associate fellow at the Centre for Caribbean Studies and the author of Homecoming: Voices of the Windrush Generation, among other books.

At Tate Modern: Steve McQueen

Colin Grant, 16 July 2020

Steve McQueen​ trained as a painter before turning to video art. His early films were silent, monochrome, focusing on his own body because it was cheaper than hiring an actor. Many of the works in his retrospective at Tate Modern (which won’t reopen when the museum does later this month because it doesn’t meet ‘museum regulations for social distancing in enclosed...

One​ of the peace walls near the Falls Road in Belfast is decorated with a mural featuring several famous figures – among them, Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King. At its centre, though, five times the size of the others, is a stern-looking man with bushy, neatly parted grey hair, wearing a frock-coat and necktie. Two hundred years after his birth into slavery, Frederick...

Mother Country: The Hostile Environment

Catherine Hall, 23 January 2020

In the 1960s, when the children of the Windrush generation were arriving with their parents, there were no issues with their entry to the ‘mother country’: they were travelling internally within the...

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A Pound a Glimpse: Epilepsy

Daniel Smith, 16 November 2017

In​ 1926, Graham Greene received a diagnosis of epilepsy. In all likelihood, he didn’t have the disorder. His only symptoms were three isolated episodes of lost consciousness: once in the...

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