Christopher Siwicki

Christopher Siwicki  is an ancient historian. He is a research fellow at the British School at Rome and the Norwegian Institute of Rome.

At the Ashmolean: Pompeii

Christopher Siwicki, 2 January 2020

The​ excellent exhibition Last Supper at Pompeii at the Ashmolean (until 12 January) is about much more than what Pompeians had for dinner. A fresco that once decorated the lararium (the shrine of the household gods) of a large Pompeian villa illustrates food production in the Bay of Naples. Bacchus, elaborately dressed as a bunch of grapes, is shown standing in front of a mountain –...

At the Capitoline Museums: ‘Fidia’

Christopher Siwicki, 25 April 2024

Not​ many artists merit an exhibition where none of their work is on display. But for the masters of classical Greece there is little choice: most of their paintings and sculptures have been lost or destroyed and what we know of them comes from the descriptions and copies of later generations. Fidia, at the Capitoline Museums in Rome until 5 May, is the first exhibition dedicated to the...

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