Christian Wolmar

Christian Wolmar is seeking the Labour nomination for the 2016 London mayoral election.


Highway Robbery

7 January 1999

If Paul Foot finds my book on Stagecoach so politically unacceptable (LRB, 7 January), how come his comrades at Socialist Worker reprinted large chunks of it (without permission, of course)?
Jenny Diski is mistaken in suggesting that Labour opposition councillors played no part in the exposure of Shirley Porter and her crooked entourage in Westminster Council (LRB, 25 May). Quite the contrary. A talented and articulate group of councillors, including several who went on to sit in Parliament, made her life hell and ultimately exposed her. One, Neale Coleman, now an adviser to Ken Livingstone,...

On Easter day, I walked down Farringdon Road from Rosebery Avenue, towards Farringdon Station. I intended to make a voyage to one of the planet’s more mysterious realms, the point at which...

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When I heard that Christian Wolmar was to write a book about the transport company Stagecoach I rejoiced that one of the great privatisation scandals of our time would at last be fully exposed....

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