Chloe Aridjis

Chloe Aridjis’s latest novel, Sea Monsters, was awarded the PEN/Faulkner award for Fiction in 2020.

On Octavio Paz and Marie-José Tramini

Homero Aridjis, translated by Chloe Aridjis, 21 November 2019

One afternoon in June 1962 Octavio Paz and I, until then only acquainted through letters, met at the studio of the painter Juan Soriano in Mexico City. From there we went walking down Paseo de la Reforma, and he told me he had just been appointed ambassador to India, Ceylon and Pakistan. He had accepted, reluctantly, because of the scant job opportunities in Mexico. Leaving one...

At the HKW: Aby Warburg

Chloe Aridjis, 5 November 2020

Most photographs​ of Aby Warburg, who was born in Hamburg in 1866, the eldest son of a Jewish banking dynasty, show a melancholy man, gaze withdrawn or staring into the distance. In others, we glimpse a different character – intense, lively, exuding a manic energy. His four brothers went into the family firm, but Warburg was more interested in other sorts of currency, trading in his...

At the Swedenborg: Magic Lanterns

Chloe Aridjis, 3 November 2022

The magic lantern​ is a prosaic object: a tin or wooden box, fitted with a chimney, a set of lenses and a light source. But for nearly four centuries it has animated the walls of homes and theatres, first as a device for conjuring demons and later as a form of popular entertainment. It is thought to have been invented around 1650 by the Dutch polymath Christiaan Huygens, to whom we also owe...

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