Chal Ravens

Chal Ravens is head of audio at Novara Media.

Too Big to Shut Down: Rave On

Chal Ravens, 7 March 2024

On​ 21 July 1990 a rave ended in the biggest mass arrest in British history. To get to Love Decade, as the party was called, you first had to call a telephone hotline, which disclosed the location of the meeting point. From there, hundreds of cars made their way to an empty warehouse on the outskirts of Leeds. Having used bolt cutters to break in, the organisers installed a makeshift sound...

Twinge of Saudade: Abbamania

Chal Ravens, 26 December 2024

In​ 1977, Abba were waiting at Arlanda Airport in Stockholm when they noticed a dishevelled young man charging towards them. Their security guards spotted him too, along with the spatter of dried vomit on his leather jacket. ‘You’re my favourite band! I love you!’ a 20-year-old Sid Vicious slurred, as his idols were hurried to safety. Improbably, Vicious’s favourite...

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