Benjamin Moser

Benjamin Moser is the author of Why This World: A Biography of Clarice Lispector. He lives in the Netherlands.

Her Big Horse Face: Clarice Lispector

Rivka Galchen, 2 April 2020

In a TV interview she gave near the end of her life she said: ‘I went to a fortune-teller who told me about all kinds of good things that were about to happen to me and on the way home I thought it would...

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Arguing about Sontag is one of the things that keeps her alive for us, as a figure of contention. We may end up arguing about her longer than we continue reading her, but that’s for posterity to decide.

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Her Anti-Aircraft Guns: Clarice Lispector

Lorna Scott Fox, 8 April 2010

‘You killed my character!’ Clarice Lispector said angrily to the nurse who stopped her from marching out of hospital the day before she died of ovarian cancer, aged 57, in 1977. The...

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