Amy Larocca

Amy Larocca is the former fashion director of New York Magazine.

Goodbye Glossies: Vogue World

Amy Larocca, 1 December 2022

In the introduction​ to A Visible Man, the mid-career autobiography of Edward Enninful, the editor-in-chief of British Vogue, Enninful describes his work: ‘I’ve always answered the question of what it means to create a magazine differently … to push harder, to dream bigger.’ The rest of the book is his attempt to show what pushing harder and dreaming bigger has...

Dressed in Blue Light: Gypsy Rose Lee

Amy Larocca, 11 March 2010

If Gypsy Rose Lee had been born about 60 years later than she was, she would most probably have had a reality show, something like Keeping Up with the Kardashians, which is about three Los Angeles sisters whose sex tapes have a curious habit of ‘leaking’ onto the internet. Their mother, Kris, is their manager and when Kris is not calling her pornographer friend in prison, she can...

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