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See you in hell, punk

Thomas Jones: Kai su, Brutus, 6 December 2018

Brutus: The Noble Conspirator 
by Kathryn Tempest.
Yale, 314 pp., £25, October 2017, 978 0 300 18009 1
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... by Donato Giannotti, a committed republican, in 1539. It was never finished. ‘The story goes,’ Kathryn Tempest writes in her biography of Brutus, ‘that when Michelangelo tried to put a face to the Liberator, he found not a noble conspirator but an unjust oppressor.’ It’s the simultaneous presence of these two faces that makes Brutus an ...

Those Brogues

Marina Warner, 6 October 2016

... appealing local idiosyncrasies, becomes key to the word’s peregrinations. The literary scholar Kathryn Sutherland remembers from her Scottish childhood that, in Gaelic, brogue also means ‘sorrow’ and brog, ‘sorrowful’. She suggests that leave-takings are perhaps cause for sadness, as when someone sets out on a journey, shod for the hardships en ...

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