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Counting Body Parts

John Allen Paulos: Born to Count, 20 January 2000

The Mathematical Brain 
by Brian Butterworth.
Macmillan, 446 pp., £20, April 1999, 0 333 73527 7
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... self-styled innumerate or the mathematically gifted German student from five hundred years ago? Brian Butterworth, a cognitive psychologist who has done much work on the neural and cognitive bases of mathematical thinking, says it’s a tie. The thesis of The Mathematical Brain is quite simple. The left parietal lobe of the brain contains certain ...
Reckoning with Risk: Learning to Live with Uncertainty 
by Gerd Gigerenzer.
Allen Lane, 310 pp., £14.99, July 2002, 0 7139 9512 2
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... Nevertheless, there is fairly good neuropsychological evidence that the human brain has what Brian Butterworth calls a ‘number module’, which is good only at certain types of calculation – essentially those involving whole numbers. Gigerenzer goes on to argue that as long as calculations are converted to whole numbers they feel natural and can ...

Bloody Sunday Report

Murray Sayle: Back to Bloody Sunday, 11 July 2002

... our investigation as described in my memo, conveyed our findings to the Sunday Times artist John Butterworth, wrote the report together in a room at the City Hotel, and filed it by telephone on Thursday 3 February. The next day the Widgery Tribunal was announced, making meaningful reporting on what had happened sub judice. Word reached us late on Friday 4 ...

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