Mark Rudman

Mark Rudman’s Rider Quintet won the National Book Critics Award.

Poem: ‘Casino in Small C’

Mark Rudman, 8 June 2006

for Jackson Lears

But it was no longer a casino. You could not even dice for drinks in the bar.

Malcolm Lowry

I missed the turn-off for the capital ‘c’ Casino and couldn’t find a place to turn around and hoped the rocks on this uncombed road battering the bottom of this rented wreck

wouldn’t crack an axle when I caught sight of the sign for a second casino...

Two Poems

Mark Rudman, 4 February 2016

‘Le Amiche’: The Mourners at the River and the Drowned Woman

The problem with the women gathering at the riverbank. Of the river Po.

The problem is the absence of other rivers, where other versions of the same

group will congregate in several cities at once: the Tiber is a no-brainer,

ditto the Seine, but it’s the seamless switch to another country, another river,


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