Joanne O’Leary

Joanne O’Leary has been an editor at the LRB since 2016. She is working on a book about the Irish wake.

Bitchy Little Spinster: Queens of Amherst

Joanne O’Leary, 3 June 2021

Nobody​ has a good word to say about Mabel Loomis Todd. When she’s remembered at all, it’s as a homewrecker: the vamp who seduced Emily Dickinson’s brother, Austin, 27 years her senior, and destroyed his marriage to Susan Gilbert, Emily’s closest confidante. Like any good seductress, Todd was an opportunist. She exploited Austin’s role as the treasurer of...

You have to take it: Elizabeth Hardwick’s Style

Joanne O’Leary, 17 November 2022

Elizabeth Hardwick​ was wary of biographers. She called life-writing ‘a scrofulous cottage industry’, a ‘consistent fiction’ masquerading as truth. Its practitioners were necrophiliacs ‘quick in pursuit of the dead’. In her book on Herman Melville, she wrote of the ‘violent exuberance’ that accompanied his rediscovery by critics in the 1920s:...

I was a coyote: Can you trust a horsewoman?

Joanne O’Leary, 29 June 2023

Kathryn Scanlan​ is a straight shooter. Her stories are short – often no more than a couple of paragraphs long. Her sentences are spare, her syntax is plain, and she restricts herself, for the most part, to everyday diction. She writes about ordinary things: eating and defecating, bad sex and heatstroke, running errands and men who won’t admit they’ve gained weight....

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