Henry Day

Henry Day is writing his doctoral dissertation on Lucan, Seneca and the sublime at Trinity College, Cambridge. He was only recently an intern at the LRB.


Brexit Blues

20 June 2019

William Davies writes that a no deal Brexit is ‘the default outcome if nothing else can be agreed on’ (LRB, 20 June). Although it seems to be assumed by all sides that this is the case, there is an alternative legal interpretation of the way Article 50 operates. On 10 February 2017 the QCs David Edward, Francis Jacobs, Jeremy Lever, Helen Mountfield and Gerry Facenna published what is now known...

Bias at the BBC

24 September 2020

Writing about recent right-wing attacks on the BBC, William Davies mentions the latest manufactured furore surrounding the Last Night of the Proms and the singing of ‘Rule, Britannia!’ (LRB, 24 September). But the title of the song was given without its comma. Was the omission a Freudian slip? In any case, given the aspirations of Rupert Murdoch and Brexit’s cheerleaders, it seemed apposite.

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