Henry Day

Henry Day is writing his doctoral dissertation on Lucan, Seneca and the sublime at Trinity College, Cambridge. He was only recently an intern at the LRB.

Rigmaroles: Ibn Battutah’s travels

Henry Day, 15 December 2005

In 1346, after a four-month voyage from Sumatra, Ibn Battutah reached China. A devout Muslim, he was now far beyond the boundaries of the Dar al-Islam and the sway of the sharia, and was feeling nervous: ‘China, for all its magnificence, did not please me. I was deeply depressed by the prevalence of infidelity, and whenever I left my lodging I saw many offensive things which distressed...

Being Greek: Up Country with Xenophon

Henry Day, 2 November 2006

The Anabasis, as The Expedition of Cyrus is often called, stands out among classical Greek texts for the glimpses it offers of Hellenes encountering a baffling and often dangerous alien world. A mishmash of military memoir, travelogue and biography, it’s also the most detailed description we have of Greek soldiers on campaign. The story opens with the rebellion in 401 BC of the Persian...

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