Fleur Macdonald

Fleur Macdonald is a freelance journalist and broadcaster.

In Saillans

Fleur Macdonald, 21 March 2019

The Saillans Spring​ began in 2011 when residents heard that their mayor had proposed to a supermarket chain that it open a branch on the outskirts of the village, in the Drôme department in south-east France. A protest ensued. ‘Some of us came dressed as food cans and brought shopping trolleys,’ I was told by Joachim Hirschler, when I visited Saillans recently. Hirschler...

Diary: In Conakry

Fleur Macdonald, 22 October 2020

Presidential​ elections in Guinea are scheduled for 18 October. The 82-year-old incumbent, Alpha Condé, has been in office since 2010. I travelled with him earlier this year, during his campaign for a new constitution. Since Guinea gained independence from France in 1958, when its first constitution was ratified, there has been a series of further constitutions, revisions and...

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