David Edgar

David Edgar’s plays include The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, which had a run time of more than eight hours, Maydays, The Prisoner’s Dilemma and Playing with Fire. He is the author of How Plays Work and set up an MA in playwriting at the University of Birmingham. Two new plays, Here in America and The New Real, will have their premieres later this year.


Positively Evil

4 March 1999

Much of John Willett’s irritation (Letters, 1 April) is based on a misreading of my article on Brecht. I referred twice to his defence of Brecht against John Fuegi’s notorious charges and it is clear that my references to Auden’s attitude to Brecht are taken from Willett’s collection: ‘There are essays on his often turbulent relationship with Auden (who described Brecht as one of the three...

82nd Airborne

8 February 2001

Michael Byers (LRB, 8 February) quotes George W. Bush’s National Security Adviser, Condoleezza Rice, as saying that ‘we don’t need to have the 82nd Airborne escorting kids to kindergarten.’ This much-cited quotation appears to refer exclusively to the role of the US Forces in places like Kosovo. But in fact the 82nd Airborne was the division sent in by the Federal Government in 1957 to desegregate...

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