D.D. Guttenplan

D.D. Guttenplan is London correspondent for the Nation and the author of The Holocaust on Trial. He is writing a Life of the American journalist I.F. Stone.

Visa Requirement: Whitehall and Jews

D.D. Guttenplan, 6 July 2000

Three scenes from London life. 1) Westminster in 1999, when the tidal wave of ‘bogus asylum seekers’ that would break across tabloid front pages was just a gentle swell on the horizon. A House of Commons standing committee is discussing the Government’s proposal to replace welfare benefits (of around £46 a week) with a system of food vouchers worth £35 a week. ‘Many asylum seekers come from communities where wealth may be stored in jewellery,’ explains the Home Office minister Mike O’Brien, ‘and it is right for us to take account of that wealth.’

Gorgon in Furs: Paula Fox

D.D. Guttenplan, 12 December 2002

At first glance, Paula Fox’s return from the dustbin of publishing history is one of those heartwarming stories of literary virtue rewarded. Her first book, Poor George (1967), generated considerable critical excitement. Desperate Characters (1970) was described as ‘brilliant’ by Alfred Kazin and Irving Howe; Lionel Trilling called it ‘reserved and beautifully...

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