Colin Legum

Colin Legum editor of Africa Contemporary Record and co-editor of the Middle East Contemporary Survey, is the author of The End of Haile Selassie’s Empire and of The Continuing Conflict in the Horn of Africa.

Colin Legum writes: Bully for Dick! It is hardly surprising to learn that the only member of the Observer staff who pleaded Lonrho’s cause before the Monopolies Commission is contented in his relationship with the new proprietor. While Dick Hall told the Commission that he had never been interfered with by Tiny Rowland when he edited one of his papers in Zambia, two of his former colleagues submitted...
We are all familiar with the ubiquitous pub character who has no good word to say for anybody or anything, who sees nothing but the worst in the present and future, whose views are peppered with anti-foreign, racist remarks. He is generally dyspeptic, sour and gloomy. He also bears a striking resemblance to R.W. Johnson (LRB, 8 July, LRB, 22 July and LRB, 5 August) whose survey of the prospects for...
We are all familiar with the ubiquitous pub character who has no good word to say for anybody or anything, who sees nothing but the worst in the present and future, whose views are peppered with anti-foreign, racist remarks. He is generally dyspeptic, sour and gloomy. He also bears a striking resemblance to R.W. Johnson (LRB, 8 July, LRB, 22 July and LRB, 5 August) whose survey of the prospects for...
We are all familiar with the ubiquitous pub character who has no good word to say for anybody or anything, who sees nothing but the worst in the present and future, whose views are peppered with anti-foreign, racist remarks. He is generally dyspeptic, sour and gloomy. He also bears a striking resemblance to R.W. Johnson (LRB, 8 July, LRB, 22 July and LRB, 5 August) whose survey of the prospects for...

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