Rupert Wilkinson

Rupert Wilkinson teaches British and American history at the University of Sussex. His most recent book, American Tough: The Tough Guy Tradition and American Character, will be reviewed here soon.

As a historian of ideas of national character, who is based in American Studies, I would like to comment on what Perry Anderson says about these ideas (LRB, 9 May). Anderson usefully illuminates the path of European contentions about national character up to the early 20th century, but he is quite wrong to assert that serious work on the subject ceased after the Twenties. He does not, it seems, confine...

Black, White and Female

Betty Wood, 2 May 1985

Given the enormous value which the historical profession currently attaches to the highly specialised monograph, it becomes all too easy to devalue, if not to denigrate, more general surveys of...

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