In the shifting, centuries-long history of his reception, Chaucer has been read as both irreverent and pious, experimental and traditional, cosmopolitan and quintessentially English.

Read more about At the Bodleian: ‘Chaucer Here and Now’

Like the inhabitants of other small and remote countries, the Icelander has the choice to go or stay. Halldór Laxness did both. He was a cosmopolitan and a homebody. He yo-yoed. He stayed in Iceland and...

Read more about Double-Time Seabird: Halldór Laxness does both

Rambo v. Rimbaud: On Justin Torres

Emily Witt, 4 April 2024

Justin Torres’s Blackouts isn’t biography, or historical fiction, but a kind of compilation of miscellanea that provides some primary texts, adds fictional embellishments, and then shrugs.

Read more about Rambo v. Rimbaud: On Justin Torres

Is it even good? Two Years with Zola

Brandon Taylor, 4 April 2024

For Zola, the greatest moral act is to bear witness. Sometimes when I read novels set in the past, a contemporary smugness sets in. But when the past comes uncomfortably close to the events you’re living...

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At the Movies: ‘American Fiction’

Michael Wood, 21 March 2024

The film keeps threatening to come apart, almost unable to juggle its sorrowful realism with its wild farce. It doesn’t come apart, though, and the survived threat is part of the unshakeable discomfort...

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Escape the bear trap: ‘Family Meal’

Josie Mitchell, 21 March 2024

In Bryan Washington's Family Meal, jokes and gestures stand in for confessional outpourings, occasionally revealing an unacknowledged depth of feeling. But elsewhere the laconic dialogue leaves the reader...

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Unblenched: Homage to Brigid Brophy

Lucie Elven, 21 March 2024

Brophy’s writing is propelled by the excitement of the intellect, while the emotion is held within the structure. She found a form for her work that accommodated her need for artifice, for self-creation...

Read more about Unblenched: Homage to Brigid Brophy

Sprigs of Wire: On Jo Ann Beard

Ange Mlinko, 21 March 2024

Jo Ann Beard is a cunning craftswoman who draws circles and parallels across time, embedding patterns that unite seemingly disparate tales.

Read more about Sprigs of Wire: On Jo Ann Beard

The notion of existential lack, of a hole that yearns to be filled, of the human need to be made whole through connection with another, is a fundamental and recurrent preoccupation in Coetzee’s fiction. 

Read more about Mothers and Others: Coetzee’s Multistorey Consciousness

Buchi Emecheta said that all her books were about survival, but survival doesn’t always mean gritting your teeth. Sometimes it means acting the tourist for a day, skipping the royal press conference...

Read more about Lady This and Princess That: On Buchi Emecheta

I am his leavings: On Anne Enright

Clare Bucknell, 7 March 2024

One thing Enright’s The Wren, The Wren is sure of is that there is no such thing as completion, or a fresh start. Many of its images are variations on the theme of traces, leftovers, the aspects of self...

Read more about I am his leavings: On Anne Enright

Henry and Hamlet

Barbara Everett, 22 February 2024

A work of art is what it is, even more than what it says. The only real way of seeing how Hamlet differs from Henry is to perceive the great difference in the plays that hold them, a mature tragedy and...

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Can I not be both? On A.K. Blakemore

Lola Seaton, 22 February 2024

The Manningtree Witches and The Glutton are both driven by an appetite for the ‘juiciest’ words – for ‘how they feel when you say them, or look at them’. But if a writer seems more invested in...

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To write about gay men in Britain in the 19th century should be to write about them as sons, brothers, friends, lovers, husbands, fathers, grandparents, members of a social class, employees, employers,...

Read more about Balzac didn’t dare: Origins of the Gay Novel

Space Aria: On Samantha Harvey

Adam Mars-Jones, 8 February 2024

There’s no boredom in Samantha Harvey’s Orbital and no pulse of adrenaline either. To be in orbit, after all, is to be held in a balance of forces. Any acceleration would nudge things out of kilter.

Read more about Space Aria: On Samantha Harvey

Wreckage of Ellipses: On Enheduana

Anna Della Subin, 8 February 2024

The Sumerian priestess Enheduana managed the complex affairs of the temple and wrote poems, among them a collection of temple hymns that sought to accomplish in verse what her father, Sargon of Akkad,...

Read more about Wreckage of Ellipses: On Enheduana

In Kincaid’s fictional world, to be someone’s daughter is to carry a great burden. To become yourself, you must reject, kill, refuse the mother, leave home, write books and essays against her, marry...

Read more about This is how you smile: On Jamaica Kincaid

Toxic Sausages: ‘Life Is Everywhere’

Chris Power, 25 January 2024

Are we being told that to seek truth in books is dangerous? Perhaps. But Lucy Ives also seems to be saying that books are things we pour meaning into as much as they dispense it. ‘A novel is a medicine...

Read more about Toxic Sausages: ‘Life Is Everywhere’