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At the V&A

Marina Warner: ‘Hollywood Costume’, 20 December 2012

... at the same time giving actors colour to respond to. The Vaseline that glamour photographers like George Hurrell smeared on the lens to add soft lustre to skin and mould eyelids and lips to gleam dewily, have their equivalents in what Adrian calls ‘the buttery sculptural quality of satin’ that he lavished on Marie Antoinette, for example. The ...

Resurrecting the Tudors

John Pemble: James Anthony Froude, 23 May 2013

James Anthony Froude: An Intellectual Biography of a Victorian Prophet 
by Ciaran Brady.
Oxford, 500 pp., £45, May 2013, 978 0 19 966803 8
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... Froude was mortified but unrepentant. He was used to controversy. James Anthony Froude by George Reid, 1881. The Life was a homemade bomb; the History was a meteorite, a bolide from somewhere remote and unknown. It inspired Tennyson to try to reactivate English verse drama with Queen Mary. It’s huge – two and a half million words in six and a ...

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