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Ancient and Modern

M.A. Screech, 19 November 1981

Masters of the Reformation: The Emergence of a New Intellectual Life in Europe 
by Heiko Augustinus Oberman, translated by Dennis Martin.
Cambridge, 269 pp., £22.50, June 1981, 0 521 23098 5
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by Peter Burke.
Oxford, 96 pp., £5.50, October 1981, 9780192875235
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... Reformation are not really names of periods for Oberman, but names of differing perspectives. They mark differences amongst contemporaries. People of the time should be understood in the light of the education which moulded their cast of mind. Their masters were not all bumbling Obscure Men. We must not be taken in by propaganda: it is profitable to see events ...

Take that, astrolabe

Tom Johnson: Medieval Time, 19 October 2023

Alle Thyng Hath Tyme: Time and Medieval Life 
by Gillian Adler and Paul Strohm.
Reaktion, 247 pp., £20, March, 978 1 78914 679 0
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... inscriptions there is a precise semi-circle, subdivided into quarters, with further divisions to mark the canonical hours. Later, the ‘shepherd’s dial’, an engraved cylinder mounted with a pointer to cast a shadow, made the technology portable.The thinking man’s timepiece was the astrolabe, first developed in Greece but significantly improved by Arab ...

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